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Writers Virtual Cafe

Virtually Yours - the interactive Creative Writers' Cafe for 9 to 14+'s


Find your Inspiration

Welcome to Virtually Yours - the interactive Creative Writers' Cafe for 9 to 14+'s.


Started during lockdown the writers simply kept asking for more, and here we are with an ongoing group of young writers whose ideas just grow and grow.


So, you're thinking this looks like some fun? It really is, and every session is stand-alone so we can welcome you for a one-off.


You'll be warmly welcomed by all of us. No need to read your ideas out loud if you don't wish to, but an opportunity to do so if you want to and it's all part of the joy.


Every class has a new theme. Lots of prompts, pictures, a stream of helpful ideas, sometimes some music and always support to help new writers to navigate an untrodden pathway through the imagination. Sometimes we team-write, when the mood takes us!


I hope you'll join us! No spell checking - just ideas and a little bit of escapism!


Click the "Book a Session" link to get started.


Then you'll need pen and paper leaving the screen for us to communicate!


I'll send you the details -  No long term commitment - just give it a go!


Virtually Yours, Sam (your class coach and creator of Virtually Yours)


What they said ...

“The session was brilliant. I'm now half way through my first novel and I'd never have started if it wasn't for the amazing Writer's Virtual Cafe”

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